If 10% of your website visitors convert, where is the other 90% going?

Marc Goodwin

New Patient Flow

On average, the health clinics we work with see around 10-15% of website visitors convert into an online booking or phone call.

So, where is the other 85-90% going – and how much money are you leaving on the table by not continuing to market to them?

Enter remarketing….

What is Remarketing?

You would have experienced this before, you visit a website and now all of a sudden you’re seeing their ads everywhere you go!

This is what’s called remarketing, you create marketing lists for everyone that visits your website via cookies (excluding those who already booked) and show ads to them either on Facebook, Instagram, or around the web via the Google Display Network.

Not everyone converts in 1 session and is ready to make a decision right there and then with the 1-2mins they’re on your site. Often they want to weigh up their options or leave the decision until later, or just get distracted.

In the meantime, you want to stay front of mind, on the top of the pile, and continue showing your unique selling points to them via remarketing.

Now, a lot of marketers setup remarketing and hope for the best. But it’s real power comes into play when you’re tracking results and understand the return on investment.

So, here’s an example of how all the maths behind it might work:

website visitors per month: 2,000

% of visitors you can get in front of via Facebook: 40% (There will always be a percentage of site traffic that we actually can show ads to on Facebook, eg: users that visited your site on a device that wasn’t logged into their Facebook account, or they’re simply not engaging with their feed enough during the cookie period to see your ads. 40% is a fair estimate.)

# of people ads will show to: 800

clicks from remarketing: 120 (if roughly 15% of people who see the ads click on them)

bookings from remarketing: 12 (if roughly 10% of traffic converts into a booking)

Calculating ROI:

You’ll need to know details of your average lifetime value of a customer, as well as make some expectations on click costs – which will vary for different services.
Fortunately, when managed properly remarketing can be extremely cost-effective and far cheaper to run than other pay per click strategies.

If you’d like help calculating the potential ROI of remarketing for your business, simply book in a strategy session and we can chat through it.